Do you also know that there are foods, which can be a total put off when consumed before you go to bed with your wife? Listed below are the five kinds of Food to avoid before you meet your partner on bed :

#1 Beans

Beans are a good source of fibre and protein for our body, but they also contain a type of sugar that doesn’t digest fast and causes bloating and gas. We can all agree that a gassy and bloating belly is not ideal for sex.

#2 Garlic


Garlic adds extra flavour to our food, but it is really not a good idea before s*x. It not only has a strong scent which can be an instant turn off but also has starches that can cause bloating.

#3 Cheese


You probably didn’t expect cheese to make it to the list of foods to avoid before s*x, but the truth is that cheese can be a smelly nightmare and can turn your partner off. Cheese breath lingers on long after it has been consumed, so skip this food if you want to impress your partner.

#4 Red meat


A fancy steak meal may sound like a perfect night out but you might want to reconsider your choice of meat. Red meat is heavy and can take a long time to digest. This will leave you feeling sluggish and sleepy, which will surely affect your performance in bed.

#5 French fries


French fries are filled with tran’s fats that can lower test0sterone levels and decrease blood circulation. They also contain a lot of salt, which can make it difficult for men with high blood pressure to keep up a strong erection.