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Monday 13 June 2016

Meet The Man & Hen Sailing Around The World... Incredible Photos

It's a tale of perfect camaraderie and of co-dependence.Two years at sea have fostered a close relationship between the two fellow sailors as they cross the globe, through warm weather and cold.
One is a 24-year-old male. The other is a hen.

Guirec Soudee - the 24-year-old - is the one who does most of the hard work on board the boat.
Monique is the hen, who spends most of her time admiring the view from the deck, and laying the occasional egg.

The two have started building up a close following online in recent months as French media have picked up on their unusual adventure.

Guirec, who is from Brittany in France, began his trip around the world with Monique in May 2014.
After starting from the Canary Islands, Spanish territory near Africa's west coast, the pair sailed to St Bart's in the Caribbean before moving into the Arctic last August.

"I knew she was the one straight away," Guirec tells the BBC from western Greenland, where he is now moored.

"She was only about four or five months old then, and had never left the Canary Islands. I didn't speak any Spanish and she didn't speak any French, but we got along."

Guirec had planned to bring along a pet for company, but a hen wasn't originally on the cards.

"I thought about a cat, but decided it would be too much effort to look after it," he says.

"The hen was an ideal choice. It doesn't need that much looking after and I'm able to get eggs at sea. People told me it wouldn't work, that the hen would be too stressed and wouldn't lay eggs.

"But there was no problem, she laid eggs straight away. She adapted to it perfectly - she was very comfortable very quickly."

Over an average week, Monique lays six eggs, even in the cold climes of Greenland and even during three months there without sun.


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