Mae Belle Powell and Mary Belle Roach also known as “The Wallace Twins” were born on March 25th 1916 in Symsonia, Kentucky.
They’ve spent their lives in the town, except for the time when their husbands were drafted into World War II and they moved to Detroit to work in wartime factories.
After returning from the war, the twins bought motor homes with their husbands and traveled to all 50 states in the US, visited 8 countries in Europe and vacationed in Tahiti.
They said that the secret to living up to 100 years is good genes, and probably an identical sister to share it all with.
When asked how they felt about being famous, Mary said, “I don’t think we’re famous. I just think we’re old.”
The two walk for 30 minutes each day at a nearby gym, and you’ll find them at the hair salon every Friday, always dressed alike. They both moved into the same room together, just in case one of them ever needs any help in the middle of the night.
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