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Saturday 28 May 2016

Dabota Lawson Celebrated As Guardian Woman

Dabota Lawson is a leading lady in the beauty industry. She was crowned Miss Nigeria UK in 2009. Being a Beauty Queen coupled with her modelling career, Dabota has been immersed for most of her life in the world of beauty, constantly trying to experiment and create new ways of achieving different looks through makeup. She reveals how she has been able to overcome rejection in order to become a woman of rubies.

Growing up
I come from a humble background where my parents were able to equip me by the special grace of God with all I needed to secure a positive and balanced future.

Started modeling from a tender age
I started modeling from a very tender age , I’ve always been passionate about being in front of the camera long before social media .In between studying, I took on modeling part time and participated in several pageants and modeling competitions . Once I graduated from University, I went on to compete in The Miss Nigeria UK pageant and won. Since then, life has not remained the same. New doors and opportunities opened up for me. A lot of people tried to discourage me along the way and some who were close to me secretly laughed when I stumbled. Because of my Post Grad course I didn’t even have the guts to tell my parents I was entering into a pageant and only called to inform them when I won. I didn’t care what anyone thought of me and I continued pursuing my dreams.

Facing rejection
Several times, I was told I was too fat or just not good enough when I auditioned for a gig or went for a casting .When I participated in those competitions though I didn’t win, I knew how I felt back stage. I wanted that crown and I got it. I wanted that degree I got it. I wanted to be a star. I am a star. I had my dreams of combining my educational background and my passion into an empire and there came about Dabota Cosmetics and Dabota Water which is part of my life’s project .I’m excited for my future. I have a whole lot I intend to do for myself by the special Grace of God almighty. I’m just getting started.

What drives me
My passion, I believe my faith in God. That allows me to understand that God has made me the head and not the tail and that even in the craziest storm he is with me and upholds me to do great things. Also I understand from past experiences in my life that “The greater the challenge once goes through and overcome, the higher the reward. We all face obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life.

Giving up
Of course there were times when I felt like giving up , who doesn’t go through moments when it feels like things aren’t working out or the whole world is coming down on you?

I’m fully concentrated on Dabota Cosmetics , Dabota Water and Dabota Life project.
Nothing else for now

Challenges encountered
A Leader constantly experiences challenges. Things change, change brings challenge, and no matter how good a leader I am , I can’t stop that from happening. Some challenges come in the form of people or problems that are obstacles to reaching a goal. Every leader must face many of them and learn to deal with them in some way. It may seem like “Challenges” is another word for “problems,” but that’s not necessarily true. Sometimes positive situations present the greatest challenges, and in such situations I keep testing how I make use of opportunities. For me a challenge is an invitation to rise to another level, to test myself and improve in the process, to show that I can accomplish something that may seem difficult, or even impossible in discharging my duties

The birth of Dabota Cosmetics
My passion is in the beauty industry.. Therefore, I started finding out about some world-class cosmetics brands that have attained extraordinary heights. I learnt about the great world of cosmetics. The people in this industry are relentless. They never allow room for their environment to determine their destiny .Instead, the application of their ideas of beauty, aesthetics and general wellness gave their beauty industry the reputable results people are enjoying today. I love my country Nigeria so much and I believe we are just as intelligent and have all that it takes to be better than all these other countries that produce make up and skin care products. I want my kids and grandkids to enjoy and live what others may call luxury as an average standard here in Nigeria. All these made me decide to join futuristic cosmetics entrepreneurs in order to develop a top class high performance cosmetics line that will change the face of Nigeria.

Advice to young women
Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. Raise your standards and go for what you want.

My vision
I see my brand becoming the preferred makeup brand for all women of color

Woman of rubies
I am a woman of rubies who walks in purpose.. It’s evident to see that I’m not one to chase people or opportunities.. I allow my light to cause people and opportunities to pursue me.

culled -Guardian


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