Rachel Bakam Opens Up On Rumours Surrounding Her Fast Rise To Fame, Says "I Don't Belong To Any Cult"

Rachel Bakam has opened up on rumours surrounding her fast rise to fame. She assertively declares "I don't belong to any cult. I have never belonged to any cult. I have never used any charms or concoctions. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS OR HOW TO STEAL SOMEBODY ELSE'S STAR. My star is mine. It is tailor made to carry my destiny and purpose in life. You want to know the secret of my success? Here it is: GOD! I TRUST GOD AND I LET HIM WORK THROUGH ME USING HIS WORD. THE WORD OF GOD IS MY SECRET. I ALSO MAKE MYSELF AN ACTIVE AND OBEDIENT VESSEL FOR HIS USE. MY LIFE IS EVIDENCE OF GOD'S GLORY BEING DISPLAYED. While I am thankful for all I am today, I am still work in progress."
She ends with this scripture "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7
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