Breaking News
Friday, 1 April 2016

Have you read this viral story of how God healed a Nigerian Woman's 6-month-old baby of a heart disease?!

Continue from picture: "On the 14th day of his life, he was diagonised of a heart condition. He had 2 large holes in the heart. It was a scary experience. I couldn't feel my legs when I heard the doctor's report, but as I left the room, I looked into his eyes and said, 'This sickness is not unto death but to showcase the Glory of God on your life son'.

Immediately, scriptures started flooding my heart and I was strengthened. On our way home we laughed. I and my husband started building our faith in God. The paediatric cardiologist said it was impossible for the holes to close back. That we'd start preparing for surgery in India. Hubby told her we'll make our decision after the 2nd echo scan.
My son was loosing weight due to the condition. We were asked not to allow him suck so that he doesn't go into heart failure. They gave him some medicines. I discarded the drugs after giving our son the first dose and told hubby that the Word of God is Josh's MEDICINE.
I allowed him to suckle because babies are designed to suck from their mothers' breasts. We got scriptures on healing and the one that talks specifically about the heart Ezekiel 36:26. And started applying it on him by confessing it daily. I had to build my faith by reading a Kenneth E. Hagin's study book on Prayer.
We just kept confessing God's word and refused to believe that anything was wrong with him. In January, during our church programme, (WAFBEC), Pst Ashimolowo mentioned our case and we claimed it by faith. We danced, laughed, praised and blessed God for his healing.
Exactly 3weeks ago, we went for the 2nd echo scan. To God be the Glory, the scan read that his heart has been COMPLETELY CLOSED. I wanted to hold my husband tight and scream out my lungs in excitement but the tears started rolling! God has given my son a NEW HEART!
The God that makes impossible situations possible HEALED our son COMPLETELY! Oh Praise God with me!
Onye n'agwo oria!
Oloro ihe loro ehi!
Ogbajiri igwe kpo ya nku!
Ogodo mkpuchi otom
Odum ebo Judah!
Onyeoma m!
Amama amasi amasi!
Igbe n' eche ndu!
Igwe! Igwe!! Igwe!!!"


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