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Friday 9 November 2012

Natural or Artificial?????

Two days ago, I decided to use my female cousin's bathing soap. I was crazily amazed to know it smelt and felt like it was a relaxer. I proceeded to use her second soap the next day, which turned out a disaster. It was crazily slippery and felt like an undiluted chemical. It then struck me that girls majorly and some guys in our generation in a bid to look fair, stay fair, sexy, and have cool skin destroy their skins gradually over time.

Come to think of it, I remembered when I first made an attempt to use a relaxer, the basic warnings were avoid contact with skin, eyes, and make sure its being washed of thoroughly. A special shampoo that changes color based on chemical content of its wash was added to make sure the wash-off was thorough.

Now 99% of these soaps we use and feel good/fly with contain the very same chemicals used in the relaxers, just a little milder. So on the long run we expose our skins to dangers and chemical reactions, like burns, acme, and eventually cancer. No wonder most women cant undergo safe operation above 45 years these days, as their skins cant seal or heal up effectively from self incurred damages for trying to look good.

My Grandma is around 80 years of age with a very fair skin, shown visibly in her bright scalp with grey hairs now. She doesn't have a wrinkle, she's bright, alive and agile. One for one, I know she used their locally made black soap all her life, and I've never heard anyone having a contraindication to them.

My sister used various creams, face cleansers, body extracts, gels...........I cant name them all. None ever worked for her skin as they only made it worse, till she tried the natural Shea butter. All her pimple, body marks, discolorations etc all vanished in less than 3 months. To make it better her natural skin came back, she got fairer.

Am not trying to condemn these exorbitant classy soaps or cream neither am I trying to promote our locally made soaps(I use neither). Am just trying to pass across the message, You are what you USE and EAT if I may add. Go natural and  see the difference.

The things you use and ingest, on your everyday lives go a long way in-determining how long you live and how well/healthy your body would be when you are 45+ years on earth. You can try going artificial now and spend your latter years nursing an ailment or the other commonly Cancer, or you go natural and b
 like your granny and great grannies back home in their 90+ years on earth, still going out, farming cycling, jugging playing and *******(covers face).

The ball is in your court my friends
#Signage Author/Editor


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